Private Lending & Bad Credit Loans
Are you in urgent need of funds but don’t fit in rigid terms and conditions of the banks? There is nothing to worry about as our private lenders are here to help you.With flexible terms and options obtaining money fast may be easier than you think. Options range from 1 month terms up to 24 months with the ability to roll over. Purposes can be for both personal and business with unlimited cash out.
Did you think that by having poor credit history you would not be able to obtain a loan to purchase a property?
Did you think that by having poor credit history you would not be able to obtain a loan to purchase a property? Well, you don’t have to stress as we have many Non-bank lenders who lend to customers with impaired credit history on a daily basis. These solutions are suitable to get you out of trouble, on a short-medium term basis and then we will also assist you in taking you back into the mainstream lending market with much better rates and charges.
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Our Clients are our main priority, there satisfaction is our objective! When you treat clients the same way you want to be treated! It’s simple it’s not business but passion!